Monday, January 23, 2012

22 January 2012

Asha's condition
There is some swelling at the moment, which is putting pressure on the brain. This is what is causing the forgetfulness, difficulty with words, problems with her right side, difficulty with numbers, etc. She's been on medication to bring the swelling down. However, this has not had the required effect, and the pressure is worse, causing the symptoms to intensify. This is why she moved back to Vincent Pallotti early.
The doctors have changed/upped her medication, so hopefully the swelling will go down and she can have her biopsy tomorrow as planned.

This the medical situation

The tumour is in her connective tissue. It's mostly in the left side of her brain, but has spread to the right. This is causing her issues with the right side of the body. The fact that it is in the connective tissue is what makes it impossible to operate on. Heather says they are going to try chemo or radiation or some other treatments (that we're not yet sure of) to try and shrink the tumour.
Friday 20 jan
At the moment there's pressure on the brain, which is causing the forgetfulness, difficulty with numbers and words, and headaches. They have been giving her steroids, to take the pressure off. This should bring her back to her normal mental state sometime next week, and is also so that they can do the biopsy, which is taking place on Monday. This is when we'll find out the exact details.

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